Discover series | Traditional


As we grow, our style grows with us. Customizing your living space can be exciting, but tricky - there is just so much to choose from! The Discover Series is a unique genre dedicated to different interior design concepts, as a guide to help find what suits you and your space best.


What is Traditional Design?

Traditional design is considered a timeless style taking cues from the 18th and 19th centuries, incorporating classic art, antiques, and pieces with history. When executed well, age-old style can actually inspire and add lots of intrigue to any space.


Classic Art

A piece of classic art, properly set and displayed within a space, can truly ignite the imagination, and is revered for its sober and aesthetically pleasing stories that can often be found in oil paintings and beautiful Italian frescos. Although the term generally refers to the style of the ancient Greek and Roman periods, it has been revived over the years in the form of Renaissance art, baroque style and neoclassicism

Tip: Embrace contrasting styles to give your home a liveliness by incorporating a tasteful mix of classical old world interiors with bold modern wall art.



Think of balance as a useful tool in creating the framework of your design. Symmetrical cues effect our subconscious, even when they are too subtle to be consciously acknowledged with our first glance. Our brains often find balance and order pleasing and comforting.

Tip: Make sure your design stays classic and elegant by varying the patterns, colors, and textures within your design.



Antiques are meant to enliven a space with context and history, not to create a museum with velvet ropes. Sometimes a statement piece, such as a coffee table, an armoire or unique chair says it all. Avoid over-cluttering the home with this type of furniture as it can seem messy or outdated. Instead, pick out only a few pieces with special meaning to you and place them sparingly.

Tip: Be sure to include a juxtaposition of contemporary pieces with antiques to make a room young and alive.



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Market Report | January 2023